Four recent, vaguely amusing things.
1) Gigs. Arcade Fire at the Academy. Regulars will be aware of my terrible love for the Arcade Fire, but finally managing to see them was simply glorious. References which I've previously only been aware of intellectually suddenly come into focus, like the Talking Heads structures. Simultaneously, the records are reworked from 3.a.m. Existentialism to 11.p.m. at the best Wake in the World. In terms of propulsiveness and the shared voices, I find myself thinking of the legend of Live Dexys. The entire band sings, all the words, even the ones without microphones, like the secular hymns they are. I find myself wandering home, rambling to The Concubine about how they were part of a recontexualisation of the rock idiom for talking about the 20-something experience of genuine young adulthood and fear of that rather than perpetual adolescence. The exist exactly at the cusp where you realise that it's pointless rebelling against your parents, as they're either dead or soon will be and you know it's all too late. Still, despite this as the formative factor in the music, it's about life. They're an indefatiguable, relentless band.
2) Gigs 2. Had only caught the Kills once briefly at a festival, and despite thinking their second album lacked teeth and lapsed into self-parody, I did want to see exactly how they operated live in a more appropriate (i.e. With a roof and bad ventilation) venue. Was amused by how right I was about them. As I wrote in the singles of the year list, God This Makes Me Wanna Fuck. And yes: It's all about the fucking, to the point where we end with simulated fucking punctuated, girl on her knees, flat on the floor, back arcing while geezer brandishes guitar like a sexual crucifix before her. Subtext becomes text to the degree that it's actually funny. So, sure, they've got a limited musical repertoire (Girl saying "Fuck", Man saying "Fuck", a retro drum-machine and a guitar going crunch once a bar) and Alison Mosshart looks like a model GQ would get as a stand-in for a Jennifer Herrema, but no-one cares. A big, sexy noise. Ended up with Tinitus so bad that it sounded as if an ocean was washing around in my right ear, which is always an added bonsu.
3) Games: Been playing Guild Wars to death. Review on Eurogamer in the next couple of days.
4) Gamespot do an editorial on the NGJ in a prodding-beehive manner. Splendid.
Kieron - 5/11/2005 09:23:00 AM
"...simulated fucking punctuated, girl on her knees, flat on the floor, back arcing while geezer brandishes guitar like a sexual crucifix before her."
I know EXACTLY what you mean.
I saw them at the most ridiculously small, intimate 'room' possible in Liverpool a few months back. It was tremendous.
Who supported? I caught a small part of some English/Australian Kills-a-like band, never did find out their name.
I didn't know what it was they were lacking but The Kills have just GOT IT, man!
By 3:18 PM
, at
The warm-up act were a band who appeared to be (and the idea horrifies me as much as it must anyone else) a post-Bravery band. Terribly lazy rubbish.
Thank God for the current Monarchs of Fucks making the evening.
I'm actually having a lot of trouble figuring out how someone could simultaneously be "on her knees, flat on the floor, back arcing". Could we have a diagram, please?
By 6:14 PM
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I finished 'The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test' today. I can't believe I bothered. It's the worst fucking pile of content free bullshit I've ever sat through.
And I *like* Tim Rogers...
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Never trust a hippy.
I can lie so that my knees touch the floor and so do my shoulderblades. It's not that hard (and I can't touch my toes, for example).
I forgot to say that.
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