Kieron Gillen's workblog




"Bætti inn link á Binna kallinn. Hann útskrifaðist úr MH á sínum tíma þannig að þið getið búist við miklum skrifum um hljómsveitir sem enginn hefur heyrt um áður nema kannski Kieron Gillen eða álíka sérvitringar. Hljómsveitir eins og Calexico og Mars Volta fá sinn sess hjá honum en ég efast um að margir hafi heyrt um þær.

Binni er nú orðinn 26 ára (gamall) en barnið í honum lifir enn því hann spilar tölvuleiki þótt hann sé í sambandi og orðinn pabbi! Ég ætla nú ekkert að fullyrða um hvað hann hefur mikinn tíma fyrir það en konan virðist skilningsrík því ef mér skjátlast ekki þá gaf hún honum GBA SP í afmælisgjöf. Sjálfur á hann svo fínustu PC vél og GameCube að auki þannig að hér er á ferðinni góður maður :) Ef hann les þetta þá má hann fara að skila mér Baldur's Gate 2. Ef fleiri eru að lesa þetta þá megið þið gefa mér pening. Takk."

What on earth is this fellow referencing me about? Should I sue?

I'll throw this one out to the comments.

(Clues #1: It's Icelandic, apparently)

EDIT: From a variety of sources - most articulately Arni of Nextcomics - it's basically saying I'll namecheck bands most people wouldn't. It also describes me as eccentric.

EDIT 2: Wasn't going to publish this, but changed my mind. A number of people - bless them all - forwarded this babelfish clone direct translation.

"Bætti in laxity river Binna cry. He útskrifaðist fara fram úr MH river sine temporal thus snuggle up to ye conceived búist accustom much write about orchestra whom none hast hear about theretofore total perhaps Kieron Gillen or similarly eccentric. Orchestra as though Calexico and March Volt get time seat with him while I efast um about snuggle up to poly- hafi hear about they.

Binni is today verbalism 26 aura ( warmed-over) while barnið into him lifir yet accordingly he jukebox tölvuleiki though he sé into liaison and verbalism ! I be going to today ekkert snuggle up to warrant about what he
hast mikinn temporal therefor while woman worth understanding accordingly maybe myself err not then gaf she him GBA SP into afmælisgjöf. Thyself river he thus fínustu PC motor and GameCube besides thus snuggle up to here is river ferðinni kind man :) Maybe he les ;fn) then analogous he proceed return myself Mayweed Gate 2. Maybe further are snuggle up to af kappi ;fn) then larger ye give myself monetary. Yes."

Computer translation is getting better every day.


I want not concur on it. I regard as polite post. Particularly the title attracted me to review the sound story.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:24 AM  

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 PM  

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Kieron Gillen's Workblog, foo'.